Parent Booklet
This informative 62-page publication was created especially for parents of children who are deafblind. Through the authors’ combined experiences with their children and having seen the importance of intervener services to their child’s learning and development, they believe that it is critical that all parents of children and youth who are deafblind be informed about the role of interveners and be knowledgeable about how to advocate for interveners through the IEP process. This booklet briefly describes deafblindness and the role of interveners, and then guides parents through the components of the IEP process that are most critical to determining the need for intervener services in educational settings.
A copy of this booklet has been disseminated to Parent Training and Information Centers in each state. An electronic copy of this booklet or an order form for the booklet can be downloaded by clicking on the following links.
A Family’s Guide to Interveners – Download the booklet
To order a print copy of this booklet for $15, Deafblindness and the Intervener and a laminated card with important questions to ask during the IEP development, please click on the link for the order form below, and e-mail your order to Linda Alsop 435-797-5598 or [email protected].
Order Form for A Family’s Guide to Interveners
Thanks, and we appreciate the opportunity to contribute to ongoing efforts in behalf of children and youth who are deafblind and their families.
Linda Alsop (Utah)
Clara Berg (New York)
Vivecca Hartman (Texas)
Melanie Knapp (Texas)
Kimberly Lauger (Arizona)
Cheryl Levasseur (Massachusetts)
Sally and Mike Prouty (Minnesota)
Intervener Booklet
Interveners in the Classroom: Guidelines for Teams Working with Students Who Are Deafblind is a 36-page booklet designed as a checklist to assist interveners, teachers, administrators, and parents in understanding the roles and responsibilities of interveners in educational settings.
The booklet is available in English in full color ($8.50) or in black and white ($5.00). It is also available in Spanish in full color ($8.50). Postage is included in the price for shipments within the continental United States. Additional postage will be added for shipments outside the continental United States. We cannot accept credit cards at this time but will accept personal or agency checks. Agency orders can be invoiced to a purchase order if needed.
Download the Booklet Order Form
Please send order form and payment to:
SKI-HI Institute
6500 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-6500.
If you have any questions, please contact us at (435) 797-5598. Thank you.